Laser Pre & Post Op Instructions
Stay healthy before and after treatments:
Exercise regularly.
Eat healthy foods.
Stay hydrated -summer / winter / spring / fall.
Avoid overindulging in alcohol post treatment.
Refrain from smoking tobacco through the treatment process.
Refrain from heavy caffeine use the day of treatment.
If you experience intense or prolonged swelling:
Ice the are for 20 minute increments.
Keep the limb elevated for 24 hrs.
Avoid salt and salty foods.
Do not over bandage.
Avoid heat.
Do not sleep on limb.
Contact your technician if you experience numbness or lack of mobility.
Bra/Hip tattoo care:
For 3-days post treatment apply a Hydrogel Pad and drop of pure vitamin E oil.
The Hydrogel pad will need to stay on for 2-3 hours each day, do not leave it on over 3 hours or the skin will become weak and over hydrated.
Wear loose fitting clothes in order to avoid chaffing or irritation.
Wear a dry bandage over the tattoo if it is rubbing on the bra line or waistband.
Stay out of the sun.
Use SPF 30+ w/ 10% Zinc content if you are in the sun for prolonged periods of time.
Do not over bandage.
Avoid hot tubs and sauna.
If you usually take a hot shower take a cooler shower for the next week.
Avoid exercise for a day or two, post treatment.
Keep the treated area dry as possible.
Take bandages off in 1-3 hours post treatment, let the area dry out.
Do not use Neosporin or any other antibacterial ointment unless advised.
If the area becomes irritate or itchy use a small amount of vitamin E oil.
If water hits the area in the shower; just make sure it's not soaking.
Keep it clean and unbothered.
Do not pick or scratch the treated area.
Keep it away from pets and small children.
Do not use any astringent soaps or cleaners.
Rinse daily with a small amount of cool water.